Gyro.gif (2131 bytes)Stop Gyrodactylus salaris!

The rivers in Finnmark are still free of the salmon parasite">

Gyro.gif (2131 bytes)Stop Gyrodactylus salaris!

The rivers in Finnmark are still free of the salmon parasite">

Gyro.gif (2131 bytes)Stop Gyrodactylus salaris!

The rivers in Finnmark are still free of the salmon parasite">

Gyro.gif (2131 bytes)Stop Gyrodactylus salaris!

The rivers in Finnmark are still free of the salmon parasite, Gyrodactylus Salaris. This deadly parasite, which attacks the young salmon, is found in the Skibotnvassdraget watercourse in Troms, the Torneavassdraget watercourse in Sweden/Finland, the Enare-Passvikvassdraget watercourse and in watercourses which drain southwards towards the Gulf of Bohtnia. It`s not all that far to the rivers in Finnmark!

The transmission of contamination can occur via your fishing tackle, if you have recently been fishing in a watercourse where parasite is present, and your fishing tackle is still wet or damp when you start fishing in new watercourses. Please make sure that waders, landing nets and boats and other fishing tackle are completely dry before you move on to a new watercourse.

The biggest danger of spreading the parasite is by setting out fish, so please do not wash fish in a watercourse other than the one it was caught in. Water containers etc. must not be emptied into another watercourse.

All fishing tackle and other articles that have been in use outside Norway`s borders, could be possible sources of contamination, and it is therefore imperative that they be disinfected. A disinfection certificate must be shown in order to be able to purchase a fishing permit. Disinfection stations have been set up in several places in Finnmark.

Fishing tackle disinfection stations .

Neiden Fjellstue Neidenfoss camping Komagvær, vakthytta Varangerbotn, Esso stasjonen Kongsfjordalen, Vakthytta
Tana bru, Shell stasjonen Polmak tollstasjon Storfossen Camping, Tana Børselv, Bungalåven vertshus Kjøllefjord, Statoil stasjonen
Karasjok, Esso stasjonen Karasjok, Statoil stasjonen Lakselv, Shell stasjonen Stabursnes camping Repparfjord camping
Alta, Odd Aune sport Kautokeino JFF, Ole A. Triumf


Skibotn, Statoil stasjonen Utsjoki tollstasjon Utsjoki, Tenojoen tutkimusasema
Karigasniemi Enare

Contact the District Veterinarian, if you find sick or dead fish. This is the addresses.
